U is for Universalism

U is for Universalism
Our A-Z series continues this Sunday (3/17) with ‘U is for Universalism’

There are two types of Universalism that we will be discussing:
1) Christian - will everyone be saved?
2) Religious - do all paths lead to the same place? 
Join in on Zoom or in-person at 10am this Sunday.

Check out this preview at Pastor Bo's Website: https://bosanders.com/2020/11/09/u-is-for-universalism-modified/

It is going to be a zesty conversation. All we ask is that you come caffeinated and opinionated

Art by Jesse Turri

Tune in and be a part of this conversation either in-person or on Zoom . 

Easter Week Schedule

There will be more details in the coming weeks - but we wanted to get these 4 events on your calendars ahead of time :

March 27 Maundy Wednesday Meal - 6pm Friendship Room

March 29 Good Friday Service - 6pm in Sanctuary

March 31 Easter Sunrise Service - 7am at Shoshone Falls

March 31. Easter Sunday Worship - 11am in Sanctuary