Restoring and Recovering our Stained Glass Windows
Preserving and Protecting these historic works of art by the acclaimed Povey Brothers
Why are these coverings needed?
And why should we replace them now?
Window Coverings Protect these works of art.
Our largest and oldest windows are in remarkably good shape for their age, because of the protection provided by their coverings.
Quality Coverings ensure quality viewing.
The materials available for covering and protecting these windows are better today than they were 40 years ago, allowing for high visibility coverings for all of our windows, and preventing the yellowing you see on some of our windows currently.
We're working with true professionals.
Willet Hauser Architectural Glass is an industry leader, who has worked to restore, protect, or create stained glass works of art in over 36,000 buildings across the US.
Taking this step now will avoid greater costs.
In the late 1970's and early 1980's, it was learning about the value of, and cost to ensure, these works of art that lead a group of trustees to originally add these protective window coverings. Their work has preserved these windows for the last 40 years, and these updates will protect them for decades to come.
Over the years, some of the protective coverings have held up quite well, while others have yellowed and become visibly damaged.
Coverings in great shape:
As you can see, some of these coverings are still very clear. Quality materials and installation lead to great long term durability and visibility, and these coverings will require little work or restoration.
Coverings in poor shape:
Some coverings however, like the upper coverings in the top picture, have yellowed heavily. Others were installed in a less than optimal way, and the aging of lesser materials makes a few of the windows difficult to see at all from the outside.
Damaged windows and coverings:
These windows weren't covered until around 1980, and this exposure to the elements lead to damage to some windows, like the broken solder on this window, due likely to sustained wind pressure over the years. At 40 years of age themselves, some of these window coverings are damaged, or at risk of falling due to aging mounts.
“Art is too important not to share.”
-Romero Britto
Let’s Talk Numbers:
This project involves 3 phases and a total investment of around $175,00.
Ideally, all 3 phases will be completed by 2029.
Phase 1: Fully funded, work in progress!
Three of the windows in need of the most major restoration work have been removed, and shipped to the Willet Hauser Art Glass Studio for restoration work. Upon return, they will be reinstalled, and brand new state-of-the-art protective coverings will be installed outside of them.
How is fundraising going?
As of May, 2022, we have raised over $46,000! With Phase one coming in at just over $32,000, we have a $14,000 head start on Phase 2! The total cost of this project is projected to be around $175,000; which means we’ve got around $129,000 left to raise to complete all three phases, and that phases 2 and 3 will be larger, and more expensive, than phase 1.
When will Phase 2 start?
Once the work of Phase 1 is complete, the Twin UMC board of Trustees will secure a final bid from Willet Hauser Architectural Glass for Phase 2, and will announce that fundraising goal to the congregation and broader community. In Phase 1, we waited until 3/4 of the funds had been raised to schedule the work to begin, and had the project fully funded as soon as work began.
How can I help?
Donate now! You can do so online here, or by mailing a check or donating in person at 360 Shoshone St. E. Twin Falls, Idaho 83301. You can also help by sharing this webpage or information with your friends!
The Acclaimed Povey Brothers
Hill City Church
You might recognize Congregation Beth Israel for one of the original leaders of the congregation, Moses Alexander, who later became the governor of Idaho, and the first jewish governor in the U.S.!
Twin UMC is a wonderful example of the Povey Brothers Studio's artistry and craftsmanship, with some of the most beautiful examples of hand-painted stained glass and some other notable design features (like iconic glass jewels worked into some windows), and some of the largest stained glass panels created and installed by the studio.
By helping us to recover and restore these windows, you are helping to preserve, protect, and display well theses works of art for our entire community! Public art really does matter.
Povey Brothers Art Glass Studios, sometimes referred to as the Tiffany of the West, was prolific in their work throughout the Greater Northwest. From 1888 to 1928 they installed stained glass windows and other works of glass arts in churches, public buildings, businesses, and homes.
First Presbyterian Church in Corvallis, Oregon has tracked down 81 churches throughout the greater Northwest which had Povey Brothers windows installed at some point, 76 of which are still standing. Some great Idaho examples include Hill City Church and the home of Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel.
Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel
Help us preserve these beautiful works of art, so everybody can continue to enjoy them!
Most of the time at Twin UMC, if we are fundraising it's because there is a real, tangible need: someone needs food, a place to live, medical care, etc. This project is different, but it still aligns with the "Love Everybody, no Exceptions" heartbeat here at Twin UMC. by donating to help us replace these window coverings and get some needed work done on these windows, you are helping us to preserve, protect, and display these beautiful public works of art!
Located in the heart of downtown Twin Falls, these windows have been a part of the beauty of Twin Falls for over 100 years. Located on the main drive through downtown, next to City Park, the library, and the courthouse, these works of art add to the beauty of our historic downtown, and are a staple of both guided and independent historic walking tours of downtown.
Public art matters! Celebrating beauty and creativity, and sharing it freely with anyone who walks by, makes Twin a better place for everyone!