

Your gifts make a difference!

There are many ways to give.

Your donation makes a big difference to the people we serve!

Mail a check. Checks payable to Twin Falls First UMC can be mailed to:

Twin Falls First UMC

360 Shoshone St. E

Twin Falls, ID 83301

Recurring giving from your checking account can be arranged through our office.

Call or email us for information.

Give tax free from your IRA

If you take Required Minimum Distributions from your IRA, and you're in the habit of supporting the church with your checkbook, consider making your pledge to the church directly from your IRA instead. That way you won't have to pay income tax on the gift, and you can count up to $100,000 of charitable giving per year toward your Required Minimum Distribution. It's easy. Call your account's custodian (their phone number should be on your statement). There may be a simple form to fill out, or you may be able to complete the transaction over the phone. Here's the information they will need in order to send your gift directly to the church: 

  • Our name: First United Methodist Church of Twin Falls

  • Our address: 360 Shoshone St E, Twin Falls, ID 83301

  • The amount you'd like to give

Gifts of Stock

Appreciated stock transferred in-kind to a qualified tax-exempt organization like the church creates a tax advantage for the givers, allowing them to bypass capital gains tax.  If your stock is held in a brokerage account, your broker can transfer your gift electronically. Contact our office for the details your broker will need to transfer stock.

Legacy Giving

When you name Twin Falls First UMC in your will or trust or as a beneficiary of a retirement plan, saving account, or life insurance policy, you ensure that there will be a United Methodist presence supporting the Twin Falls community for years to come. Our church has several funds you can donate to including the Centennial Memorial Endowment Fund which is used for property needs and the Engle Fund which is used to build ministry programs.

Memorial and Tribute Gifts

The church welcomes gifts made in honor of loved ones and special occasions. When you make a gift in honor of a loved one, they are notified in the manner you wish. We are grateful to accept gifts for a variety of occasions, including: Weddings, Graduations, Birthdays, Christmas, Anniversaries, and Memorials.